Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Here's some more of what I've been up to lately, between working on my Virtutus Key panels and studying Richard Williams The Animator's Survival Kit. These are pages after pages of quick gesture sketches.
We're talking a minute to two tops and yes, I know they're ugly. The thing is that they help me loosen up and more teach me to try and observe the attitude and action of the model quickly. I find that by practicing these daily (even just for a half hour, or so) they help me when I'm storyboarding. They keep me loose in the initial idea stage and, they give me that all illusive confidence in my ability to try to capture what's in my heart and mind onto the page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vivian these are beautful!

I was tagged while I was away on my trip to Oregon and I am tagging you. . .go to my blog to see the rules if you would like to play:


1:16 AM  
Blogger Vivian said...

Ha! This should be interesting.

Thanks Sherry,
Vivian ; )

7:43 AM  

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