Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I have this thing about music and the stirring of my soul...themes and songs that replay in my mind as I continue to grow. There are particular bands whose lyrics catch in my heart. Atlter Bridge is one of those bands. I find myself absorbing their words like soul liberating mantras, at times screaming for release, at other times affirming my need to hang on just a little longer. Brand New Start from their Blackbird CD and One Day Remains from their One Day Remains CD come to mind daily. Like some sort of solitary train winding through the coridors of my veins, it pushes, roars and puffs uphill in search of that one place where true Self dwells .
Well, enough rambling...back to my art and Shulinn's tale. If I can continue to do a page a day I should be near finish in four months.


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