Thursday, July 01, 2010

Plugging along trying to stay focused and not let life pull me down...studying at and off work for hopefully the next level...first stage guaranties but if you don't try you don't get. Divorce will be final in a few weeks. Its been such a long, hard, lonely road, no support from hubby ever for the kids and non to come...he ends up with all save our torn and tattered home, which hopefully come December I'll qualify for and I will be able to slowly but surely repair. I'll be borrowing lots of how to books at the library. Doing what I can and keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm still working on the illustrations for my Songs for the Dragon King graphic novel and studying writing, storyboarding and figure drawing amongst other things, to stay afloat mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.
I've been teaching my daughter how to drive, next will be my son. I'm so proud of them for so many reasons, not the least of which has been their tremendous courage, maturity, wisdom and help through a very traumatic experience that has affected us all so deeply.
A hero's quest is never done and life is seems is a hero's quest for us all....


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