Monday, April 16, 2007

I've recently discovered a few great graphic novel blogs. One of my favorite is the GNR...Graphic Novel Review.

This is easily one of the most comprehensive review sites out there. If you're wondering what's out there, or in need of some graphic novels to snuggle up to at night, this is the place to come. Here you can scan through genres and read up on featured titles by writers and illustrators both in the USA and abroad. Once here you better make yourself comfortable, cause you won't want to leave for awhile. ; )

Then there's Publisher's Weekly The Beat, "The News Blog of Comics Culture" by Heidi MacDonald. This is a huge site dedicated to reviews and the latest news on comics and their impact around the globe. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa and plan to be here awhile as well.

Last, but certainly not least is Artbomb.

Another review blog of graphic Novels. It features titles from children's to adults, like Hayao Miyazaki's soon to be released My Neighbor Totoro I. This will be volume one in a series of four graphic novels based on his wildly acclaimed movie of the same title.


Blogger Joey Manley said...

Thanks for the kind words! - Joey /

11:48 AM  
Blogger Vivian said...

Aw, Joey,

Its all true.

Vivian ; )

4:41 PM  

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